.CO Domain

Domain registration: .CO domain is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) assigned to Colombia. It is administered by .CO Internet S.A.S. As of July 10, 2010, there are no domain registration restrictions on second-level .co domains. Any individual or entity can register a .co domain. .CO domains are available for domain registration globally through accredited registrars in the world.

Summary of .co domain registration policies

  • Any person or entity in the world can register .co domains
  • There are no domicile or burdensome documentation requirements
  • Domain registration period is between 1 and 5 years, subject to domain renewal
  • Registrants can easily transfer domains
Why do we use .CO?
  • Understood around the world as an abbreviation for “COmpany,” “COrporation,” and “COmmerce,”
  • .CO domain names are easy to recognize, simple to remember, and flexible to use.
  • It offers international recognition in a fresh landscape where you can still choose the name you want, not just settle for what’s available.

Top 10 .CO Domain Sales Report

.CO is the most popular ccTLD.  Search for .co cheap domains from list of country code top level domains and register your .co domain now!